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Mostly vocabulary stories
Vocabulary Story 969  The Movie Visions

Vocabulary Story 969 The Movie Visions

1 Vocabulary Story 969 The Movie Visions . The movie Visions is a paregyric to Hildagar of Bingham. It is set in the end of the first millennium, 1000 AD. It was a world of nepotism and demagogues, were people paid homage to military power. Hildagar was somewhat incongruous to this world, stigmatized by her love of learning. She reviled self mutilation for religious devotion; thought to be only a pecadillo then. She studied art and semantics and became the Abbess of a new nunnery. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 969 The Movie Visions . The movie Visions is a hymn of praise to Hildagar of Bingham. It is set at the turn of 1000 AD. It was a world of favors to family and friends and rabble rousers, were people respected only military power. Hildagar was somewhat out of place in this world, made suspect by by her love of learning. She criticized self harm for religious piety; thought to be only a minor fault then. She studied art and word meaning and became the head of a new nunnery. .
Vocabulary Story 837   An Exploration Camp

Vocabulary Story 837 An Exploration Camp

1 Vocabulary Story 837 An Exploration Camp . In the cool equanimity of a museum is an explorer’s camp hologram recreation. It shows a domicile in a sultry jungle; inimical to human health. People were paid paltry stipends to go suffer in such untenable conditions, including malnutrition. Caviling was of no use. At that time idolatry was practiced there by the natives. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 837 An Exploration Camp . In the cool quiet of a museum is an explorer’s camp 3d image recreation. It shows a living quarters in a jungle; harmful to human health. People were paid slim salaries to go suffer in such unacceptable conditions, including inadequate meals. Complaining was of no use. At that time idol worship was also practiced there by the natives. .
Vocabulary Story 853  Al Capone Gangster

Vocabulary Story 853 Al Capone Gangster

1 Vocabulary Story 853 Al Capone Gangster . Al Capone was the predominant gangster of the 1930’s. He was a quasi celebrity. He transcended ordinary criminals with eclectic skills. He thought of himself as a figurative Robin Hood, helping people carping against the authorities. The FBI was an anathema to him. He loitered around helplessly because they had his number. When arrested they grilled him. He became tumescent and died there in Sing Sing prison. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 853 Al Capone Gangster . Al Capone was the foremost gangster of the 1930’s. He was a semi star. He went beyond ordinary criminals with varied skills. He thought of himself as a type of Robin Hood, helping people railing against the authorities. The FBI was poison to him. He hung around helplessly because they had his number. When arrested they brutally questioned him. He became swollen and died there in Sing Sing prison. .
Vocabulary Story 889  A Great Boxer's Career

Vocabulary Story 889 A Great Boxer's Career

1 Vocabulary Story 889 A Great Boxer’s Career . A mosaic of Muhammad Ali’s career shows he had charisma, talent and grit. People clamored to see his fights. He also had longevity with a four year hiatus for refusing to serve in the Army during the Viet Nam War. He was literally incapacitated by age. People carp his last fights were bogus. However; Ali was never a curmudgeon, doing his best through it all. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 889 A Great Boxer’s Career . A portrait of Muhammad Ali’s career shows he had flair, talent and grit. People couldn’t wait to see his fights. He also had a long career with a four year break for refusing to serve in the Army during the Viet Nam War. He was really stopped by age. People complain his last fights were fakes. However; Ali was never a grouch, doing his best through it all. . . 3 Vocabulary Story 889 A Great Boxer’s Career


Vocabulary Story 967  Secrets of the American Revolution

Vocabulary Story 967 Secrets of the American Revolution

1 Vocabulary Story 967 Secrets of the American Revolution . Cynics will say the rebels of the American Revolution were rambunctious and more full of adrenaline than sense. Access to secret records does show an inclement chronology symptomatic of that view. One faction even wanted to confederate with the Crown , undermining the very cause of the Revolution itself. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 967 Secrets of the American Revolution . Mocking critics will say the rebels of the American Revolution were out of control and more full of passion than sense. Access to secret records does show an unfavorable order of events indicating that view. One group even wanted to join with the Crown, weakening the very cause, of the Revolution itself. . .
Vocabulary Story 997  Where My Travels Have Taken Me

Vocabulary Story 997 Where My Travels Have Taken Me

1 Vocabulary Story 997 Where My Travels Have Taken Me . My peregrinations took me to halcyon places and others with absolute tumult. Best to be wily and distinguish between the two at a distance. One place had vestiges of the old days - tiers of flayed animal heads! Reprehensible! . . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 997 Where My Travels Have Taken Me . My wanderings took me to peaceful places and others with complete chaos. Best to be wise and see between the two at a distance. One place had left overs of the old days - rows of skinned animal heads! Shameful! .
Vocabulary Story 972  The Shakespeare Controversy

Vocabulary Story 972 The Shakespeare Controversy

1 Vocabulary Story 972 The Shakespeare Controversy . Many malcontents call the author with the non de plume Shakespeare spurious. They lope to conspiracy theories deviating from the tradition leaving Shakespeare unscathed as the great English playwright. They cite the play’s archaic accents as evidence. They say narcissism must have been an asset to a person writing such material as in the plays. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 972 The Shakespeare Controversy . Many unsatisfied people call the author with the pen name Shakespeare a phony. They run to conspiracy theories parting from the tradition leaving Shakespeare unharmed as the great English playwright. They quote the play’s old fashioned accents as evidence. They say self love must have been an aid to a person writing such material as in the plays. .
Vocabulary Story 993  How the Buffaloes were Killed Off in the Old West

Vocabulary Story 993 How the Buffaloes were Killed Off in the Old West

1 Vocabulary Story 993 How the Buffaloes were Killed Off in the Old West . The paucity of buffalo made the old days with so many buffalo seem an anachronism. These heavy virile beasts got influenza and for an interlude none could be seen. What was such a pedestrian sight before was rare; it gave a sense of foreboding. People inveigled the pretentious buffalo hunters but they alone did not do the job. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 993 How the Buffaloes were Killed Off in the Old West . The scarcity of buffalo made the old days with so many buffalo seem long ago and far away . These heavy healthy beasts got the flu and for a while none could be seen. What was such a common sight before was rare; it gave a sense of desolation. People blamed the puffed up buffalo hunters but they alone did not do the job. .
Vocabulary Story 976  Why have Boot camps?

Vocabulary Story 976 Why have Boot camps?

1 Vocabulary Story 976 Why have Boot camps? . Boot camp is a potpourri of experiences to eventuate changes in a person to inculcate army values. A person’s ambiguous quirks are pushed at, exerting pressure. It is analogous to sanding wood. Some recruits are skittish at having the mess hall sergeant as their restauranteur. They also suffer distended body parts. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 976 Why have Boot camps? . Boot camp is a mixture of experiences to cause changes in a person to instill army values. A person’s odd peculiarities are pushed at, causing pressure. It is like to sanding wood. Some recruits are jumpy at having the mess hall sergeants as their restaurant owner. They also suffer swollen body parts. .
Vocabulary Story 975  Tigers are Trained to be Around People

Vocabulary Story 975 Tigers are Trained to be Around People

1 Vocabulary Story 975 Tigers are Trained to be Around People . Menageries raise tiger whelps to keep themselves solvent. These predatory animals must be habituated to the public, rendering them less dangerous. It’s like a pact is made with them to be cool, yet mimic ferocious growls. They are put in provisional displays. It is a real problem that some bad people bombard them with small objects. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 975 Tigers are Trained to be Around People . Animal exhibits raise tiger kittens to keep themselves financially viable. These hunting animals must be trained to get used to the public, making them less dangerous. It’s like a deal is made with them to be cool, yet imitate fearsome growls. They are put in temporary displays. It is a real problem that some bad people pelt them with small objects. .
Vocabulary Story   The News from the Cooking Shows

Vocabulary Story The News from the Cooking Shows

1 Vocabulary Story The News from the Cooking Shows . Cooking is in the zeitgeist of 2022. The culinary escapades of Jack Pepin are popular on TV; panegyrics are made about him. People rue not seeing him make every scintilla of food. First he gives lush lettuce an ablution in cold water; then uses an indulgent amount of olive oil - an iridescent mix of herbs and vinegar to make a yummy vinaigrette. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story The News from the Cooking Shows . Cooking is in style in 2022. The cooking exploits of Jack Pepin are popular on TV; hymns of praise are made about him. People regret not seeing him make every small bit of food. First he gives bushy lettuce a dunk in cold water; then uses a liberal amount of olive oil - an shiny mix of herbs and vinegar to make a yummy vinaigrette. .
Vocabulary Story 996   What Old Rulers Do

Vocabulary Story 996 What Old Rulers Do

1 Vocabulary Story 996 What Old Rulers Do . When a potentate gets to be an octogenarian, it’s an unfaltering rule that he turns to genocide and terror as a panacea for his loosening grip on power. This was a systematic problem in China. They even have an ideogram describing it. It is an angular symbol meaning 'end of reign - tremble. It was an inane system. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 996 What Old Rulers Do . When a strongman gets to be an 80 year old, it’s an unfailing rule that he turns to mass murder and terror as a cure-all for his loosening grip on power. This was a built-in problem in China. They even have an letter describing it. It is a squarish symbol meaning 'end of reign - tremble. It was a nonsensical system.
Vocabulary Story 994  The USA is Your Best Friend, Really

Vocabulary Story 994 The USA is Your Best Friend, Really

1 Vocabulary Story 994 The USA is Your Best Friend, Really . From pragmatic experience, it has been found best to ally with the USA. You get great perquisites; hence the stereotype of Uncle Sam. I say this without being supercilious or insolent as an American myself. So the fall of the USA into being a nonentity has kindled bedlam. This passage has been bowdlerized. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 994 The USA is Your Best Friend, Really . From practical experience, it has been found best to join with the USA. You get great benefits; thus the image of of Uncle Sam. I say this without being proud or insulting as an American myself. So the fall of the USA into being of little importance has caused chaos. This passage has been edited.
Vocabulary Story 990  Why Welfare is Soul Sucking

Vocabulary Story 990 Why Welfare is Soul Sucking

1 Vocabulary Story 990 Why Welfare is Soul Sucking . One can postulate about the predicament of the destitute to try to go beyond stereotypes to see the mosaic from afar. Intrinsic is their relationship with a byzantine wellfare system which seeks for you to renounce your independence and rationalizes state control over you. You often have to be like a chameleon just to survive. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 990 Why Welfare is Soul Sucking . One can theorize about the problems of the poor to try to go beyond stock images to see the puzzle from afar. A part is their relationship with a complexly bizzarre wellfare system which seeks for you to give up your independence and legitamizes state control over you. You often have to be like a changling just to survive. . .
Vocabulary Story   991  The Grace and Allen Comedy Show

Vocabulary Story 991 The Grace and Allen Comedy Show

1 Vocabulary Story 991 The Grace and Allen Comedy Show Grace and Allen was a show about a couple. The wife was a verbose matron who was skittish and invoked imbecility as an excuse. For some reason people thronged to this act and applause reverberated. The husband, though loving, had disdain and acted perturbed. How such a travesty of comedy could be perpetrated is a mystery. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 991 The Grace and Allen Comedy Show Grace and Allen was a show about a couple. The wife was a talkative mature lady who was nervous and gave stupidity as an excuse. For some reason people flocked to this act and applause echoed. The husband, though loving, had contempt and acted bothered. How such a poor imitation of comedy could be carried out is a mystery. .
Vocabulary Story 834  Big Trucks are Expensive

Vocabulary Story 834 Big Trucks are Expensive

1 Vocabulary Story 834 Big Trucks are Expensive . Delivery companies allocate a lot to new trucks to keep their operations effectual. Trucks are ephemeral; it is a biennial expense to get new ones. You see them huge and burnished on the highways. Many people loath them and make trenchant arguments against the pollution they make including chloroform. Think of this the next time you give a perquisite to your delivery man. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 834 Big Trucks are Expensive . Delivery companies pay a lot for new trucks to keep their operations efficient. Trucks don’t last long; it is a every two year expense to get new ones. You see them huge and polished on the highways. Many people despise them and make cutting arguments against the pollution they make including surgery gas. Think of this the next time you give a tip to your delivery man. .